Sixteen of use braved the cold and snow to meet at Divino's Wine Studio last Wednesday for a little wine tasting with Kate Parson and her lovely assistant Jacky Jans, one of our own SpinMamas. Divino's is located on Preston Street, north of Gladstone and beside the Sala San Marco. They opened last spring. The 'Studio' is clean and fresh and definitely designed for the wine aficionado. I hear from several SpinMamas that it's a great place for a high-end meal or tapas. I'm definitely going back. I'm also interested in the wine tour to Italy but let's try Prince Edward Country first (maybe next fall - let me know if that interests you).
Thanks for coming out and learning a little more about wine with me. Sometimes we forget to really enjoy the little things in life and I think wine falls in that category. I'm often a swiller not a sipper. I think the saying should be 'take time to smell the roses and swirl and swish your wine'. You know what I'm talking about ladies. I would love some comments from those that joined us. I wish I had found a wine I loved. I enjoyed a few and didn't like two of them. But that's all in the learning.
Now that I'm looking at our wine choices, I'd have to say that quite of few people seems to enjoy the late harvest wine, Colio Estates, Vidal VQA 2006, $12.95. I will be picking up a few bottles to give as gifts over the holidays. It's a dessert wine.
I forgot to take pictures. Someone remind me next time.