Wednesday, December 29, 2010

An Experiment for 2011

I've decided to try something new for 2011. It's time to turn this blog into a real blog. Instead of just posting about events and their outcomes, I'm going to add some new content, thoughts, ramblings and hopefully start some discussion with all you SpinMamas out there near and far.

My 365Joy project was a starting point for me. I have learned so much about myself, my values and how I have been affected by stress. I can clearly see what's important to me in the pictures I have taken over the year. And although I'm so happy the year is over and I'm thrilled I survived it, my pictures reveal a different picture. My pictures reveal a year filled with many moments of joy. That was the point of this exercise after all. My quick reaction to the year is 'phew it over' but when I look at the details of the year through my pictures, they tell a very different story.

What was also very interesting about this project was the absence of pictures in the fall. During that time, I was very stressed for a variety of reasons and my life became small. It's through this observation that I've decided to live a bigger life this year and I've changed my goal to 52 weeks of pictures this in keeping with my theme of 'doing less with more depth' this year. I really think that too many of us are skimming through life these days instead of diving in.

I do strongly recommend a photo project for everyone. It's not easy but I have to say it's been insightful on many levels.

What projects or goals are you ladies setting for yourself in 2011?

Inaugural Yoga on Westboro Beach 2006

Inaugural Yoga on Westboro Beach 2006
It all started here!

Curling at the Granite Club

Curling at the Granite Club
Working on a game plan.

Check out the mom song!