This a space where I share what social adventures are coming up for the SpinMamas and I blog about issues related to the many facets of a SpinMamas life.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Details on Shopping Night Coming Soon
Quichua World Market will be hosting our holiday shopping evening this year on November 25th. More details to follow. Mark the date and take a quick look at Andrea Tomkins recent blog post on gift shopping at Quichua.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Lost My Way but Not Forgotten
A few of you have been asking me 'what's up?" I have to admit that I have been consumed with starting, among other things. Every so often I think of wrapping things up, throwing in the towel, and just calling it quits but I can't seem to bring myself to do it.
I think instead I would like to say that 2009 wasn't the best year for SpinMamas but that I would like to try and give our little gang new life in 2010.
Let me know if you are interested in staying in touch and what you would like to do in 2010. I'm looking for some input and a little push to get me going again.
It's been too long, Patti
social adventures,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Yoga to Drinks
Thursday, July 2, 2009
4th Annual Yoga on the Beach
Hard to believe that we have been holding SpinMama events for 3 years. I have to admit that I have been lacking in 'events' over the spring and early summer, but I just couldn't have the summer go by without 'Yoga on the Beach' with Donna Davis.
Invitations have been launched and I await your thoughts and input.
Hope you can inspire some mojo ladies! I don't think I'm ready to give up on SpinMamas. I just need a little inspiration.
Hard to believe that we have been holding SpinMama events for 3 years. I have to admit that I have been lacking in 'events' over the spring and early summer, but I just couldn't have the summer go by without 'Yoga on the Beach' with Donna Davis.
Invitations have been launched and I await your thoughts and input.
Hope you can inspire some mojo ladies! I don't think I'm ready to give up on SpinMamas. I just need a little inspiration.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Bowling Babes

Twelve of us sported those funky shoes and tossed a few balls in the gutter (Whoops, that was just me. No actually that was a few of us). We started at O'Connell's, very small 'rustic' pub not far from the GCTC. The beauty of O'Connell's is that it's attached to West Park bowling lanes and Fil's dinner. They are all owned by the same people. Which means you can buy your drinks at O'Connell's and bring them into the bowling alley. How progressive is that? There was even some entertainment when we made our way back to the pub after our game of bowling.
What's next this month - Not sure! Been busy trying to launch a new business idea -
Looking for easy suggestions - simplicity is still key! Ideas?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Last Minute Decision - Let's Bowl
I received a few emails about movies or dancing but nothing to spur on an outing. I have been busy with piloting our new business concept, over the last few months. But the month is coming to a close and I feel the need to make something happen. So, bowling it is. No birthdays required (many of us have been there) and you get to wear the funky shoes. Details to follow in an Evite shortly. Sometimes last minute is the only option.
Any thoughts on golf?
Friday, February 20, 2009
What's Your Poison Ladies?
Are you up for a Movie at the new renovated Mayfair Theatre on Bank at Sunnyside or a night of dancing at the Velvet Club in the Market? Very different events but note that both are easy for me to organize. We can have 2 or 20 SpinMamas attend. This winter has been busy and I need to keep things simple. For those that were interested in indoor rock climbing, my apologies. I will put it on the list for a future event. For now, simplicity is key.
Dancing would be March 12th or 19th and the movie will depend on their schedule which is not out yet.
Look forward to your responses, Patti
GCTC Spinmamas,
Mayfair Theatre,
Velvet Room
The funny thing was that you would have never known it was Winterlude. There was hardly a person in site, the bar was empty and we had the igloo to ourselves. But enjoyable none-the-less.
I think it's time for new skates. Scary thing is I can't find the other skate. I had them on yesterday. Go figure!
I really have to start wearing that bloody camera around my neck. No pictures again.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
FREE LIfe Coaching - From me!

Last weekend I attended a 3 day course in Toronto put on by the Coaches Training Institute. My motivation is the project I am working on at Algonquin College, I realized that although I am teaching students about social media tools for personal branding that coaching is part of the process. Off I went to learn more.
The life coach I have used over the past year on and off plus two other's I had met, all trained through CTI so I felt it was the right direction to go. Off I went to Toronto for the weekend.
I'm now looking for a few 'FREE' clients so that I can practice my skills. Any interested SpinMamas (or your friends or family) that would like to be my guinea pigs? Our sessions will be 30 minutes long every 2 weeks. The goal is to make your life more fullfilling. Do you have an area in your life that isn't quite up to 'snuff'? We can focus on career, relationships, family, friends, fun and recreation, money, personal growth and almost anything else.
Coaching is not counselling. My role is to support you in finding the solutions to your issues and helping you be more accountable for the actions you need to take in your life. So far, I have a client writing a book outline, another analyzing what happiness really is to them, and another client is working their way through making their needs a higher priority in their hectic life.
This is soft sell ladies - I'm offering up some FREE coaching for a limtied time. Anyone interested, please send me a note.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Rave Reviews for Tempting Providence
Thirteen of us showed up to see 'Tempting Providence' at the GCTC. I was surprised to hear that none of us had yet been to the new GCTC location. We were all very impressed. We arrived early to enjoy a relaxing beverage before the show. Encore, run by Thyme and Again, is a beautiful restaurant on the group floor. Although I was the only one that grabbed a bit, I can say with complete commitment that I will be returning for lunch some day soon.
The play was delightful! I love the strong characters, the Newfie feeling, the simple costumes, and the dance with the table cloth. It was mesmerizing to see who the 4 characters were able to turn a table, 4 chairs and a table cloth into all the sets they required. Wonderful acting but also very entertaining in the way they produced their environments.
Myra Bennett was definitely a women I would have enjoyed having a kitchen party with. And to all the SpinMamas that joined me, thanks for the company!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Transcending: Words on Women and Strength by Kelly Corrigan
This video keeps popping in my mailbox from different women in my life. With over 3 millions views, I think it's safe to assume that it resonates with many women with regard to the power of our friendships and our spirits.
Cheers to you all, Patti
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Kayla's Review of Tempting Providence

My daughter and her classmates saw Tempting Providence today at the GCTC. Kayla and her friend Natalie though it was a great production. The girls were very impressed that it was the true story and they loved the Newfoundland actors that told Myra Bennett's story. They were very impressed with how a limited set was used and they found the story interesting and at times very funny.
Kayla and Natalie gave Tempting Providence 2 thumbs up.
I hope the 13 of us that are attending the production next Tuesday night will feel the same. For those of you that are joining me, I will have a glass of wine in hand at 7PM at Encore, the cafe on the main floor.
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Inaugural Yoga on Westboro Beach 2006

It all started here!
Curling at the Granite Club

Working on a game plan.